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Why Your Photography Direction Will Change



Your photography direction will change as you gain experience, meaning the kind of photos you enjoy taking when you start aren't likely to be what you enjoy as you gain experience. Starting photography is a lot like learning how to drive. There are a lot of rules to remember, and a lot of technical issues to master. The subjects you choose when you start are rather forgiving. Just as the roads you drive when you start aren't as challenging as the ones you use later. As you gain experience, both in photography and in life, you start thinking differently about your photography. it's less about the technical skills and rules, and you concentrate more on your creativity and storytelling. In this episode, we share how and why we made changes in our photography direction and the subjects we choose. You'll likely encounter something similar, and knowing to expect a change may help you master it in less time. The post Why Your Photography Direction Will Change appeared first on William Beem Photography. Visit the sho