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How to Choose an Off-Camera Flash System



Every photographer needs an off-camera flash system, because there are always times when you need to control part of the light on your scene. We'll discuss what makes a flash system work, and some potential problems that cost money. Off-camera flash is a wonderful thing. It allows you to be a director with your lighting, even if you're working with wildlife or landscapes. There are times when you just need a punch of light to emphasize part of your photo. So why do you need a flash system? Isn't it fine to have a flash in your bag and strobes in your studio? Not aways. Sometimes you need to use lights with different sizes and power capabilities, and it's much easier on you if they work together on the same system. I'll share some of my convoluted systems used in the past to make my flashes and strobes work together, and how we're now in a place where it's much easier to develop an off-camera flash system that won't break your budget.