Jaro Podcast

EPISODE 2 – Prince Cre McEntyre: My Life Matters “Made In His Image”



About My Life Matters, Made in His Image This story is about Nicole Gray, a well-known Professor of Psychology who is known for talking everyone off the ledge while she is battling her own secret of mental health issues. On October 31, 2015, the Professor was involved with a hit and run accident that left a 16-year-old girl in a coma that eventually died.  Just as she is grieving over the girl, her mother’s and her brother's deaths, her past begins to haunt her like never before. Suffering from memories of her molestation at the age of 15, her mother's suicide, her brother’s murder, her missing sister, her husband’s “PTSD” and her daughter’s issues in school she finds herself in a dark and depressed state. It is now 3 years later, and the Professor has reached her breaking point!  She locks herself in her office and attempts to take her own life but finds herself on “Cloud Nine” where she experiences a life changing moment delivered through a pair of headphones and a powerful playlist. My Life Matters "Made i