Prosperity Kitchen Podcast With Gemma Mccrae

244_PK_244__ If You're Going To Do Something, Do It Properly



If You're Going To Do Something Do It ProperlyIn today’s Podcast: If You're Going To Do Something Do It Properly I tell you why this saying (which I'm sure you've been told a few times in your life) is so TRUE and why it's important to you both professionally and personally. You know the scenario: You've been tasked with something that you really don't want to do BUT have to do it. Well I'm here to tell you that it's VITAL to do EVERYTHING that you do to the best of your ability. EVERYTHING. Even if you think nobody is watching.... Why? Lots of reasons why actually which I will cover in the podcast but there is one vital reason. Vital! Say you're a call centre worker and you hate it. You're only being a call centre worker because the money is good, flexible hours and great crowd of people etc etc. But it's so easy to give the job minimal effort and attention. In fact you're generally unhelpful to everyone who calls in. TRUST ME - this will end up biting you on the botty. Listen to find out what!