

Art in Freemasonry | The Pillar of Beauty Masonic Artist Ryan J Flynn joins us for an informative conversation about the importance of Art in Freemasonry. The Masonic Lodge is supported by three pillars, which are Wisdom, Strength and Beauty. Great importance should be given to each one of these, as they have a very important purpose in the instruction of the Mason. We have inherited a rich Artistic history in Freemasonry, but the Pillar of Beauty can often be neglected in the pursuit of strength and wisdom. How prominently does Art figure in your Lodge? On this episode of The Winding Stairs Freemasonry Podcast, we have the privilege of exploring the topic of Art in Freemasonry with our talented Brother Ryan J Flynn. Join us, as we discuss the answers to these questions: Is Art an effective teaching tool in Masonry? Are Masonic Artists violating their obligation while depicting lessons of The Craft? What is the historical significance of Art in Freemasonry? What is the current state of the Arts in our Fratern