

On this episode of The Winding Stairs, we tackle a very contentious topic, One Day Classes. I recently asked The Winding Stairs Facebook Group Members "What is your opinion about One Day Classes in Freemasonry?" and the result was shocking. Not only did I discover that the majority of respondents had a negative opinion regarding One Day Classes, but many held some sort of animosity towards Brothers who have joined the fraternity in this manner. Dismayed by the negative dynamics that I witnessed within the threads, I contacted two Brothers who I admire greatly. Brother Chris Hodapp, author of Freemasons for Dummies and Bro. Jon Ruark, my co-host on The Masonic Roundtable. Both of these Brothers are Past Masters in their respective States, but they have gone above and beyond in their attempt to understand and offer solutions to the One Day Conferral Conundrum. I hope that you find this episode edifying.