

Blue Lightning | A Conversation with Bro. Chris Hodapp On this episode of The Winding Stairs, we tackle a very contentious topic, One Day Classes. I recently asked The Winding Stairs Facebook Group Members "What is your opinion about One Day Classes in Freemasonry?" and the result was shocking. Not only did I discover that the majority of respondents had a negative opinion regarding One Day Classes, but many held some sort of animosity towards Brothers who have joined the fraternity in this manner. Dismayed by this negativity, I contacted Brother Chris Hodapp, author of Freemasons for Dummies, to learn more one-day classes, their effectiveness, and how Brothers should handle discussions about this topic. In this candid conversation, you will learn: I hope that you find this episode edifying. Do you enjoy The Winding Stairs? Please take one minute to leave us a Rating & Review on iTunes: Mentioned in this episode Visit Bro. Chris Hodapp's Blog Freemasons for Dummies Tha