The Growth And Resilience Network(tm) With Steve Piscitelli

Episode #20: Life's Not About Me, It's About Others! (One Hundred Years of Insight)



A wonderfully instructive and illuminating conversation with centenarian, Dr. Frances Bartlett Kinne. This young-at-heart woman has known and worked with celebrities and leaders from around the world.  Uplifting and positive with practical wisdom. Among her numerous achievements, Dr. Kinne was the first woman to serve as dean of a fine arts college, the first woman to serve as president of a Florida university, and the first woman to join the Rotary Club of Jacksonville and serve as its president. She is the Chancellor Emeritus of Jacksonville University.  And so much more... Sit back, listen, learn, and enjoy.  A true delight. (c) Steve Piscitelli. 2016. The Growth and Resilience Network(TM). Music by Billy Bowers (C) Used by permission.