The Growth And Resilience Network(tm) With Steve Piscitelli

Episode #26. Middle School Resilience: Do We Build Or Do We Mend?



Episode guest and experienced middle school teacher John Louis Meeks, Jr. helps us examine resilience as it relates to middle school students. 6th, 7th and 8th grade students. How do we help them reflect and grow when it comes to experiences with failure, for instance? Or bullying? Or simply the trials and tribulation of early adolescences? And what role do parents and teachers play? All photos of John in a school setting provided and cleared by John Louis Meeks, Jr.--and used here with his permission. You can also download this podcast episode by going to ( or to iTunes ( Thank you for sharing. A kind review on iTunes would help this podcast channel as well. Music soundtrack (used with permission) provided by (c) Billy Bowers ( Podcast (c) 2017 Steve Piscitelli. All rights reserved. The Growth and Resilience Network(TM)