The Growth And Resilience Network(tm) With Steve Piscitelli

Surviving the Death of a Child: Moving Forward, But Not On



Episode #49 on The Growth and Resilience Network® podcast channel, dives into the emotional, wrenching, jolting, transformative subject of how a parent deals with the death of a child. Does one ever "deal" with it? If so, how? If not, why not? Abby and Michael Steele will help the listening audience understand how they navigated these uncharted waters. In addition to how they chose to move forward, they will share what worked for them and what did not. If you ever found yourself face-to-face with a parent who lost a child, perhaps you did not know what to say or do--and what not to say or do. While their might not be a "How-To Guide" for such circumstances, Abby and Michael share what helped them move forward following the death of their daughter, Liz. How does a parent deal with such a loss? Is it ever dealt with? Does one ever move on? Is there a so-called new normal? Ten years later, you will hear the story of two parents and life after the death of their child. For information about the Liz Rosenfeld Lega