Healthy Business Healthy Family Show With Leslie Hassler

Through Mercy Comes Grace



Isn’t it glorious that we are all human?  The fact that we aren’t perfect, means that everyday we are give the opportunity to learn and to grow.  It can be wonderful. But each day we can also do wrong, make poor choices and a face the consequences of the poor choices of other people. The last four days, I have muttered a quote from Mice and Men, “The best laid plans of mice and men often go astray.” Not sure if that quote is accurate, but it is the way I remember it.  And I think in our lives and our business, we all start out with good and even great intentions.  It’s just that often our plans can go astray. It is how we handle those moments of opportunity that define us.  It is how we frame the moments of anger, disappointment and frustration that allow us to move forward and not get stuck in the goop. Listen for more here:   via   via via Etsy via via