Healthy Mouth Healthy Life Podcast

#14: Is It Important To Trust Your Dentist? With Dr Jonathan M. Abenaim



Trust is a major factor in any relationship.  Have you ever experienced working with a dentist or hygienist that focuses on helping you get healthy (even if that means telling you things you may not want to hear) all while building your trust, because you can see in their eyes that they want the absolute best for your health? Have you ever had dental work done so that when you are finished you want to climb to the top of a mountain and shout out everyone about it (or post it to all of your social media accounts)? Believe it or not, some people have had positive life changing experiences in a dental office. Dr. Jonathan Abenaim of Jonathan Dental Spa talks with us today about the importance of finding the right team to trust when it comes to your dental needs and oral health concerns. In an age where we are constantly feeling rushed, it’s refreshing to hear from a health care provider that prides himself and his team member’s stance on taking the time to build trust with the patients he sees.  He shares what d