Healthy Mouth Healthy Life Podcast

#15 - Dr. Jon Engel DDS - A Dentist that FOCUSES on true PREVENTION!



Dr Jon Engel DDS is not only an amazing dentist, he’s also a five time CAREERFusion attendee!  Today he sits down and tells us why he comes to CAREERFusion, and what he takes back to his team and patients. Dr. Engel is unlike any dentist I’ve ever met; he cares deeply for his patients, but he’s also in tune with his emotions.  And, in a perfect world he’d put himself out of business by preventing cavities if it were up to him.  Naturally, I picked his brain about the prevention he lives and breathes, and he’s kind enough to give the listeners some great insight about pH control, and how xylitol attacks the mouth bacteria responsible for cavities. He opens up about how in the past he used to take it personally when his patients didn’t accept his treatment recommendations, but how he now holds space for people and comes from the place of serving the patient vs. treating them.