Healthy Mouth Healthy Life Podcast

#22 - Julie Worrel RN - What You Need To Know About Mouth Breathing



Julia Worrell is a Nurse whose personal experience has changed the way she looks at someone’s health and how it relates to what the body needs to do in order to stay healthy, pain-free and working properly. Her journey through developing an underbite as a child that led jaw surgery which led to a cascade of health problems including snoring, weight gain and the inability to concentrate, put her on a personal quest to find answers for what she was struggling with. Being an ER nurse she sees many patients in crisis, and it's seeing these patients which have caused her to deeply understand the medical issues that someone deals with when the breath is brought into the body through the mouth vs the nose. No longer is this a cosmetic issue (mouth breathers faces grow long and narrow vs round and symmetrical), this is a life-saving quest for Julia as she now spends much of her day bringing professionals together to learn the importance of proper breathing? Did you know that nose breathing supplies oxygen to specific