Here We Go With Josh Rosenberg

Episode 131



Y'all know Josh? The same one that speaks into a microphone and uploads it to this platform? Welp, wait'll y'hear what he's thinkin' this week. He's thinkin' about using even more apostrophes, which is stunning. Also stunning: Josh's takes on anti-semitic slurs from athletes, soul searching through Nomadland and the need to see small-town America, boring British royalty, food crazes that are too crazy to comprehend, meaningless monarchy nonsense, almonds, and singers that aren't using their real voices. C'mon! Who are you even? Even? EVEN?! Okay okay okay, let's all take a breath and start streaming this before it gets cold. Peace and love and ratings on iTunes. Logo design by Brandon Lai Music by Micah Julius Eye soreness by Zoom and then more Zoom and enough already