Sns Online

SNS Online - LGBT History Month Pt 2 (Peter Tatchell)



We take a short pause from our current run to help celebrate LGBT History Month. LGBT History Month focuses on the celebration and recognition of LGBT people and culture, past and present, to give educators scope to talk about the bigger picture of LGBT experience - in which LGBT people were the agents of change rather than just victims of prejudice. In 2012, when ScratchNSniff was a community programme for the LGBT community (broadcast on national radio outlet, RTÉ), we produced two programmes featuring two extraordinary people who, time and time again, deliberately placed themselves in the firing line to help change occur in this country, and beyond. For the first time on Soundcloud, these shows are available to listen online or free to download. Our aim is to add to the repository of LGBT experience during this month of celebrations and study… Our second show features LGBT activist, Peter Tatchell… * “A strong, inspiring story about the magnificent international human rights campaigner, Peter Tatchell.