Sns Online

SNS Online Series 2 - Cherylee Houston



In the second of our two Manchester bound shows, SNS Online caught up with actress, Cherylee Houston, to talk all things Izzy Armstrong from hit soap Coronation Street, Maz from BBC Radio 4's Tinsel Girl, Dorothy from BBC Three's I'm With Stupid, plus her day-to-day life dealing with type 3 *Ehlers-Danlos Syndrome. Confined to a wheelchair she maybe, but Cherylee is clearly unbound by her ambitions in the acting world and beyond - proving that you can do anything if you set your mind to it. Oh, and her song choices totally rock. That's Cherylee Houston, in conversation with Nick Randell, for SNS Online. SNS Online continues to offer an eclectic range of quality programming - free to download - to all like-minded people out there in cyber-space. These shows are independent podcasts produced to the highest professional standards and are non-profit making. So please enjoy, download and share these shows on all your lovely social media - as essentially that is our advertising! And please, please, please...offer