Sns Online

SNS Online Bitesized Series 3 - Paul Thorn



World AIDS Day 2015, and more people than ever are living with *HIV in the UK alone - with over 36.9 million worldwide. And although combination drug therapies mean that (for many people) HIV is no longer a death sentence, how are these people coping day-to-day with the condition? Most importantly, can they be both HIV and happy? Nick Randell speaks to Paul Thorn, former GT columnist, presenter of 'The HIV Happy Hour' on Radio Reverb 97.2fm and author of ‘HIV Happy’, to find out more. *A donation has been made to the Terrence Higgins Trust. SNS Online continues to offer an eclectic range of quality programming - free to download - to all like-minded people out there in cyber-space. These shows are independent podcasts produced to the highest professional standards and are non-profit making. So please enjoy, download and share these shows on all your lovely social media - as essentially that is our advertising! And please, please, please...offer feedback on the 'SNS Online' FB page