Small Business Marketing With Jesse Stoddard

James Defenbaugh The Business Of Cannabis



MSS34 For complete show notes, transcripts and resources go to "Hey, I’m James Defenbaugh. I’m 47 years old and live in Humboldt County California. Yes, that Humboldt County! I’m married to Rebecca and have 1 daughter who I swear to all that is holy seems like there should be 2 of her. I also own a company called Humboldt Light Dep which specializes in manufacturing and selling automated light deprivation greenhouses, which is just a fancy way to say that our greenhouses can automatically cover themselves with a light-proof tarp to extend the night cycle. We market directly to cannabis growers. In the cannabis industry, I am known as the number one go-to guy in auto light dep. I think that’s because I will help anyone who needs it. At this point, you may be wondering what a greenhouse company has to do with digital marketing and social media. The answer is simple. We are a media company first and foremost that just happens to sell greenhouses. My job is to develop