Full E-booked

Full e- Booked Season 10 - Episode 1 Part 2 - Minimalism



Seemingly living the dream, Joshua Fields Milburn and Ryan Nicodemus were two high flyers who seemed to have it all - six figure salaries, fancy cars, the house and wife. However, both men realised that despite "having it all" there was a void in both their lives, an emptiness which materialistic items and western ideologies of success couldn't fulfil. Minimalism is a book which is geared towards getting the reader thinking about what's really important in the life they're living. Are you happy with how you're living today? How can you work towards being happy tomorrow? What do you really need to make you happy in this life? With Covid-19 high on the worldwide agenda join the team as we breakdown the book asking pertinent questions relating to what the bare essentials are for living a meaningful and minimalistic life. Twitter | Instagram: Full e-Booked | @full_e_booked