Today's Business Leaders With Gabe Arnold

TBL Episode 20: How to Build a Great Idea Into Successful Startup



Zachary Ellison put the years of experience he gained working in the startup industry to work for others when he started Zeskup. Along the way, he has learned many lessons, some of which came about the hard way. In this episode of Today’s Business Leaders, Zachary chats with Gabe about thinking outside of yourself and building scalable businesses. Foundation in Sales Before starting Zeskup, Zachary held several corporate jobs in sales. He ultimately did not enjoy the work, so he moved into the financial tech field and eventually onto consulting for startups. During these years, Zachary experienced a lot of trial and error. These experiences shaped him, taught him valuable lessons and led him to create his latest company. Putting Awesome to Work Zachary identified a need to help startups from the very beginning of their journey. Guiding entrepreneurs early enables Zachary and his team to help business owners create scalable companies. Many startups begin with a great idea, but one great idea cannot carry an