Today's Business Leaders With Gabe Arnold

TBL Episode 21: How to Launch an Entrepreneurial Journey Simply by Taking a Single Step



Calvin Wayman has yet to reach his goals, but he is well on his way. With a resume that includes starting a social media marketing agency, becoming a sought-after speaker and a published author, Calvin has made significant strides in his entrepreneurial journey in a few short years. Calvin sat down with Gabe to talk about fear, motivation and how to create the success you want on this installment of Today’s Business Leaders. The Power of Fear Fear can make people avoid taking action - it can also make people do amazing things. In Calvin’s case, he chose to use it to push himself to take the first step in what has turned out to be an amazing and whirlwind journey. While working a job that did not align with what he wanted, Calvin thought about the future. More specifically, he thought about what his life would be like in 10 years if nothing changed. Calvin realized his fear of failure was holding him back from doing great things, but the fear of not going for it and missing out on the amazing things he was cap