Today's Business Leaders With Gabe Arnold

TBL Episode 30: Using Call Action to Easily Build Powerful Campaigns



Sales and marketing outreach can be time-consuming and challenging, but they are necessary to close a sale. Jessie Beaudoin understands these challenges firsthand, and that is what prompted him to create Call Action. Find out more about how Call Action can help your business as Jessie explains the services available to Gabe and his listeners in this installment of Today’s Business Leaders. Identifying a Need The general concept of all forms of marketing, whether online or offline, is to get inquiries. These inquiries can come in the form of phone calls, text messages or email. Continually reaching out and remembering to follow up with prospective leads is completely necessary. This constant communication requires significant organization and juggling it all can be difficult. First-Hand Experience Jessie started working for a mortgage lender, then branched out to building websites while still working in the mortgage and real estate industries. He understood the difficulty of following up with leads and closi