Soteriology 101: Former Calvinistic Professor Discusses Doctrines Of Salvation

Irresistible Grace of Calvinism (John Piper)



False assumptions of Calvinism: 1. Man is not only born sinful, but they are born totally hardened (by sovereign decree) and thus unable to even respond to God's own appeal to be reconciled from the fall. 2. The responsibility of man to humble ourselves and repent of our inabilities and sinfulness in faith merits salvation and thus is boast worthy if we do it apart from God's irresistible grace. 3. A gift has to be irresistibly given for the giver to get full credit for giving it. If you think a person is able to resist the gracious gift then you are robbing God's glory. Truths: 1. Man is born sinful, depraved and in need of a savior, not judicially hardened or blinded in their rebellion.  Men become hardened over time after rejecting the revelation of God, "otherwise they are able to see, hear, understand and turn.' (Acts 28:27-28; John 12:39-41; Rm. 11, Mark 4, Mt. 13) 2.  A humble response to the gospel truth is not meritorious. God doesn't give grace to those who humble themselves because humility earns s