Soteriology 101: Former Calvinistic Professor Discusses Doctrines Of Salvation

I Was Wrong, but Dr. Abasciano Was Right.



Dr. White addressed Dr. Flowers on his Dividing Line program, and Dr. Flowers admits his errors while defending Dr. Abasciano's Greek arguments.  Here is the latest article on the subject: In an earlier post we presented many passages which clearly indicate the ordo salutis (the order of salvation), as expressed by the apostle John when he wrote, “I have written these things (the gospel) so that you may believe and that by believing you may have life in his name.”  Spiritual life comes through faith, not the other way around. Since writing that article, Dr. James White has produced a program to address the non-Calvinistic perspective on one verse in particular: 1 John 5:1. I had a renown Greek scholar, Dr. Brian Abasciano, on the podcast to specifically address White’s grammatical arguments, which you can listen to ; however, White expressed a concern on Facebook   about not feeling as if his argument was fairly represented. I addressed his concern on that Facebook post and will now seek to cover what I feel