

Dr. Flowers responds once again to James White's Dividing Line broadcast where White resorts to several ad hominem fallacies and accuses Flowers of stalking White and being obsessed with him. But Dr. Flowers attempts to focus on the hermeneutical issues and apparent hypocrisy of White in his dealings with a Unitarian as it related to the Romans 9 debate.  Here is the post on my facebook page that White references: James White was on the Unbelievable? Podcast debating the divinity of Christ with an Unitarian. The Unitarian wanted to limit the discussion to the book of Acts alone and, with respect, I found White's response quite hypocritical as it relates to his dealings with my hermeneutic. White argued that our hermeneutic cannot be limited to just one section of the NT but that we must look at the entire context of scripture to establish our doctrines (sound familiar?). If you recall that in our debate Dr. White questioned my hermeneutic of going to the entire New Testament to establish the context (of Gods