

This is a long one, but some of the strongest arguments are toward the end, so the listener is encouraged to stick it out.   Dr. Flowers recently wrote an article discussing the #1 Argument of Calvinism and Pastor JD Hall "polemicized" it on his podcast called "The Polemics Report," which can be heard here: Dr. Flowers explains the root cause of JD's confusion over the point of contention presented in the article is his conflating of man's responsibility to repent with God's choice to save whosoever does so, as if they are both equally the same thing. JD fails to read important portions of Dr. Flower's article leading to gross misunderstanding and misapplication. The strength of one's argument is not typically reflected in the portions addressed by one's opponent, but in the portions ignored.  JD has addressed Dr. Flowers before but he has a tendency to "hit and run" so to that JD typically brings a charge against Flowers but fails to stick around to engage in further di