Soteriology 101: Former Calvinistic Professor Discusses Doctrines Of Salvation

Hows vs. Whys: Apologetics from both sides



Dr. Flowers has guest Steve Fraley on for a Sound of the Saints episode where they discuss: 1. Dealing with difficulty and doubts 2. The Apologetic approach from the Calvinistic perspective as contrasted from the non-Calvinistic apologetic.  3. Each perspective appeals to mystery, but what mystery does the bible afford? Steve gracious provided the article below in order to more fully expound on this topic:   How or Why? by Steve Fraley All Christians agree that God is great, yet when it comes to His greatness, we struggle to even begin to understand it. There is much about God we are incapable of knowing. As His creation, we are subject to the limitations of the universe in which we are created. We are bound by time and space. God, on the other hand, is not limited by such restraints. This leaves us as finite creatures at a great disadvantage in trying to describe a God who is so much greater than we are able to comprehend. Consequently, Christians are left with a great deal of confusion and disagreeme