Soteriology 101: Former Calvinistic Professor Discusses Doctrines Of Salvation

Mohler vs. Piper on Determinism and Free Will



Dr. Flowers plays clips of Dr. John Piper, a notable Calvinistic author and pastor, answering the question "Why does the Bible say that God relents and regrets?" Piper's Podcast can be found HERE. Then Dr. Flowers contrasts Piper's response with arguments from Dr. Albert Mohler, another leading evangelical Calvinist, against naturalistic determinism.  In part, Dr. Mohler argues: "The subversion of moral responsibility is one of the most significant developments of recent decades. Though this subversion was originally philosophical, more recent efforts have been based in biology and psychology. Various theorists have argued that our decisions and actions are determined by genetics, environmental factors, or other forces. Now, Scientific American is out with a report on a study linking determinism and moral responsibility. The diverse theories of determinism propose that our choices and decisions are not an exercise of the will, but simply the inevitable outcome of factors outside our control. As Scientific Am