Soteriology 101: Former Calvinistic Professor Discusses Doctrines Of Salvation

Guest Dr. David Allen: For Whom did Christ Die?



Dr. Flowers welcomes Dr. David Allen on the program today to discuss the doctrine of Limited Atonement as contrasted with the Traditionalists view of unlimited, or provisional, atonement. Dr. Flowers asks Dr. Allen about the most referenced arguments for and against the doctrine of Limited Atonement. The Extent of the Atonement, by Dr. Allen can be purchased HERE. All other books by Dr. Allen referenced in the show can be found HERE. David Allen serves as the dean of the School of Preaching, distinguished professor of preaching, director of the Southwestern Center for Expository Preaching and George W. Truett Chair of Ministry at Southwestern Baptist Theological Seminary in Fort Worth, Texas. He was previously Dean of the School of Theology from 2004-2016.