Soteriology 101: Former Calvinistic Professor Discusses Doctrines Of Salvation

Continuing the rebuttal of James White's review of the Free Will Debate



Dr. Flowers is continuing the rebuttal of James White's review of the Free Will Debate in Houston on November 3rd... To support this ministry with a one-time gift or to become a regular contributor please visit OUR SUPPORT PAGE. To purchase Dr. Flower’s book, The Potter's Promise: A Biblical Defense of Traditional Soteriology, CLICK HERE. Dr. Leighton Flowers, Director of Apologetics for Texas Baptists and founder of Soteriology 101, introduces the soteriological label “Provisionalism” to better describe the view held by most “Traditionalists” among the Southern Baptist Convention, and many of those outside the SBC. Listen to the reasons he feels this label is better… For more articles and resources from Dr. Leighton Flowers please visit