Soteriology 101: Former Calvinistic Professor Discusses Doctrines Of Salvation

Observe how Calvinistic Determinism undermines Christian Apologetics



Dr. Leighton Flowers interacts with a recent video where a young mormon picks apart the Calvinistic determinism of James White and Jeff Durbin making their perspective seem completely irrational and untenable. Theistic determinism is an unnecessary burden that some Christians have adopted making it virtually impossible to rationally defend scriptural truths against the false teaching of groups like mormons. Theology will drive your methodology and one's apologetic suffers when they adopt a deterministic theology, as witnessed in this video. For more on this subject please visit Please don’t forget to SUBSCRIBE! To listen to the audio only be sure to subscribe on iTunes, Stitcher, Google Play or one of the other podcast players found here: Dr. Flowers’ book, “The Potter’s Promise” can be found here: To engage with other believers cordially join our Facebook gr