Not The Typical Mom Show With Stefani Reinold: Down To Earth Discussions About The Not So Typical But All Too Common Issue

49- How to Get the Support You Need for Your Food and Body Image Issues [NEDA Week]



Maybe you've realized that your issues with food and your body are more serious than you previously thought. Or maybe you just now have the self-awareness or resources to do something about it! I want to give you the right steps and the right information to determine what next steps you want for yourself. I'll discuss: Different Treatment Options Medications for eating disorders What to Do If You Can't Afford a Treatment Facility What a Psychiatrist Is and How I Can Help and more! If "it's not about the food", then what's it about? Access FREE mini-class here. >> To schedule a new patient appointment, click here. >> To join my online coaching program, click here. Want to understand the connection between weight, wellness, BMI, setpoint weight, and more? Check out my Weight and Wellness Mini-Class here! - Find a therapist in your area here: >>Follow me on Instagram for more encouragement and eating disorder education. @stefanireinoldmd