Mike Lenz Voice - A Journey Into Voice Acting

067 - Tom Jordan Interview



Mike Lenz interviews voice actro and audiobook narrator Tom  Jordan. I started voiceovers in 1994 – before the internet. I did some computer-based-training voiceovers that paid the rent for a few months, but was living and working in Long Beach, CA and these were the days before people had in-home studios, so whenever I had to audition, I had to drive to LA – in LA traffic! It just didn’t seem worth it at the time. Fast-forward to 2002 and the internet now allows home studios and emailing MP3s – a huge breakthrough. I start soliciting my VO skills to local cable TV providers – ones that had in-house video production. Got several gigs around the nation – mom and pop stores, mostly – TV and radio gigs. This was fun, but three kids and a full time job took priority. I had done corporate narration in addition to copywriting as my day gig for several years and, in May 2016 finally decided to turn my VO experience into something that could feed me in retirement – still many years off, but I needed to start som