Cabral Concept: Wellness | Weight Loss | Anti Aging I Detox L Functional Medicine

Housecall: Want Toned Arms? Why 10,000 Steps? Should You Double Up Workouts? (019)



Today on a "Training Thursday," I'm tackling your questions on how to improve your physique, why you need to be walking daily, and if you should double up a workout if you miss a day... 1. How do I get bigger or more toned arms? 2. Why do I need to walk 10,000 steps a day? 3. Should I do 2 workouts the next day if I miss a day? - - -  Show Notes: See all the Show Notes, Videos, Links & Recommendations at:    - - -  Get Your Question Answered on an Upcoming House Call! Submit your question at:   - - - January Cabral Community Contest! Win over $2,000 in prizes: Entering is free and I'll be picking 3 winners at the end of January!   - - -