Bowie Vs. Dylan

Ep43: 1984 - Tonight vs. Real Live! or the Jazzin' Our Blue Jeans of 1984



Jake: Well, time to record a new podcast for all of our fans, focusing exclusively on David Bowie and Bob Dylan in the year 1984. Chaz: I guess?  We did just make a whole boatload of money doing nothing but singing last episode while Niles Rodgers did literally everything but sing.  Should we run it back and keep doing nothing and stack some cash stacks? Jake: Now you're talking! And I've got just the guy to help us out.  Get this, his name is Mick. Chaz: Ronson?  Jake: We wish. Chaz: Rock? Jake: Not quite. Chaz: Woodsmonsonson? Jake: You mean Mick?  But no. Chaz: Jagger? Jake: Anything but that. Chaz: I'm stumped.  Even though there's 7,280 Micks left to guess from British rock bands of the 60's and 70's. Jake: Taylor, it's Mick Taylor!  From the Rolling Stones?  Here, let me tell his- Mick Taylor: (interrupting with a tasty but inappropriately ripping guitar solo, on this 1984 edition of Bowie vs. Dylan)