Bowie Vs. Dylan

Ep54: 2006 - Nothing! Absolutely Nothing! vs. Modern Times or The Portuguese Radio Hour! of 2006



Setting: Circuit City brand electronics store, circa 2006. Bob Dylan fan #1: Heeeey.  I'm looking for that sweet new Bob Dylan long-playing music album, my brother, where can I find it? Lone Circuit City Employee #1: Uuuuuuuuuuuuuugggghhhhhhhh- Bob Dylan Fan #1: Don't hurt yourself, friend, I'll just, next to the....other consumer electronic merchandise?  Which, now that you mention it, appears...barren? David Bowie Fan #1: I can relate!  Bowie might as well change his name to David BARREN for all the new albums he's been putting out lately, amiright?  It appears that he's in the middle of some unexpected hiatus, a vacation, a Bowie Breather?  A Bowie Break? A Bowliday?  Maybe we should do this using his first name, but I just can't seem to get it, oh well, it will never be named by anyone ever. Bob Dylan Fan #1: I'm just looking for Dylan's new album, it went #1 in 47 countries, it's tots controversial?  It's called Modern Times?  Anyone? Lone Circuit City Employee #1: (drooling) In