Bowie Vs. Dylan

Ep59: 2000 - vs. Things Have Changed or The Beeb's Bouillabaisse of 2000



Jake: I'm back, baby!!!  Ready to again offer some of those patented witticisms that barely make any sense, for this latest episode of this here podcast.  What have you learned from your experience writing them, Chaz? Chaz: I don't know, I'm exhausted from the effort I put in two weeks ago in your stead.   Jake: Anything?   Chaz: Uhhhhhh, small words followed by some big words, followed once again by some smaller ones?  Maybe describe what happens in the episode, but only enough info to tantalize potential new listeners into giving us a shot? Jake: Thanks, professor. Chaz: Bowie invents the internet YET AGAIN by releasing a streaming live album with the absolutely atrocious name of "You'll Have to Listen To Bowie vs. Dylan To Find Out"...dotcom. Jake: Dylan swaggers around the world, huffing that sweet sweet career comeback glue and putting in more than minimal effort to win a frickin' Oscar the following year. Chaz: Bowie himself posts some stuff on his website that I was absolutely a part of when it