Zelda Informer Podcast

ZI Podcast 22: New Zelda Merchandise, Weird Controllers, and Pokken Tournament



Episode 22 of the ZI Podcast was a troubled one. Audio errors forced us to record an entirely new episode with very little time so this week's is shorter and yet has the same amount of awesome packed into it! This week Adam (your very very sleepy host) is joined by Katie (She's Australian, which is sorta neat) and Rodney (His words are sharp but his attitude is smooth) as we discuss new Zelda merchandise, Pokken Tournament, living in Hyrule and more! If you'd like to be a part of the action, then submit your fan topics, theme song submissions, cover art, and more to zeldainformerpodcast@gmail.com. Thanks again to Ben (aka Husky By The Geek) for the Intro/Outro and to Brandon for writing in on this weeks episode. Also thanks to Logan for the music!