Zelda Informer Podcast

ZI Podcast 39: Collectathons in Zelda, Is Amiibo DLC Fair, and Mountain Dew Ink Featuring Warchamp7



This week's pod's cast is Adam, your host (He likes things that are bad for him), Jake (Just some guy we found), Caleb (Currently burying Warchamp7 for his opinions), and Warchamp7 (We just like to call him Champ).  Thank you so much to those of you who sent in fan topics this week, and an extra special shoutout to Josh for sending us a gold cartridge copy of NES Zelda and a copy of The Adventure of Link! It's super sweet but we only got it in the mail after we recorded this episode (proper shoutout on next week's episode).  Speaking of which, next week we'll be recording on Tuesday since Adam is traveling on Thursday when we usually record, so please send your fan topics for next week before then. The email to send us fan topics, theme song submissions, cover art, or questions, is (as always) ZeldaInformerPodcast@gmail.com.  Additionally, you can also Tweet discussion topics to us @ZeldaInformer!