Conversations Live With Vicki St. Clair

Conversations Live With Vicki St Clair 08 - 27 - 18 Kristina McMorris, Kristan Higgins, Lori Foster



2 children for sale� reads the sign sitting on a farmhouse porch in 1931. The sign is a last resort, but could be found anywhere in an era of breadlines, bank runs, and broken dreams. Sold on a Monday author Kristina McMorris discusses how she weaves historical fact into fiction to create a powerful and compelling story. Kristina is a New York Times and USA Today bestselling author. Her novels have garnered more than two dozen prestigious awards and nominations. Next, Kristan Higgins admits that most of her books have a dog in them , her logic being that life without a dog is pretty lonely to contemplate. Her latest novel is Good Luck with That, a story of two women on a journey to self-acceptance. Kristan is a New York Times, USA TODAY, Wall Street Journal and Publishers Weekly bestselling author of 18 novels, and recipient of dozens of awards for her writing. Finally, Lori Foster joins talks about the first novel in her Summer Resort Series, Cooper's Charm, a tale of two sisters and how a summer in