Living Homegrown Podcast With Theresa Loe

LH 163: Organizing Your Homestead



LH 163: Use the KonMari Method to Organize Your Homestead Today's episode is an ENCORE episode. What is that you ask? An encore episode is an episode that has been previously published, but it was SO long ago, you may have missed it. This episode is packed with info you will LOVE. This episode is all about using the KonMari Method for organizing your home or homestead. It is an encore episode from a few years ago, but as you'll hear in the updated Theresa Loe is happy to report she is still using it despite how skeptical she was about the method initially. Even her sons are still using the KonMari method for folding their clothes! Hopefully this episode it brings a little less clutter to your life as well. You Will Learn: What the KonMari Method is and how to apply it to your homestead Why Theresa was skeptical of the method at first despite its immense popularity The basic principals of the method How this approach differs from typical organization methods and why it works so well The four key