Fortt Knox

62 - Adena Friedman, Nasdaq CEO: Build A Career With Smart Adjustments



You don’t have to be playing the markets every day to know that stocks have been doing very well lately – and not just lately, for about nine years now.   That means you might be hearing a bit more about stock exchanges. Which brings us to my next guest. Adena Friedman is the first woman to lead a global stock exchange. She’s the CEO of Nasdaq, a job she’s held for a year.   To get there, she’s had to chart a path where there was none. For example, it meant choosing what was right for her family over what seemed like the more obvious career decision – and making it all work anyway.   I sat down with Adena Friedman – where else? At the Nasdaq, in New York’s Times Square. We talked about the roads not taken, and the new landscape for female entrepreneurs.