Leigh Martinuzzi

630 Tofe Evans - Adversity is a Blessing in Disguise



Adversity is a Blessing in Disguise Sh!t can happen to anyone, whether it's a life-threatening situation, a death in the family, a business gone bust, or another high-stress personal catastrophe. Tofe has faced some serious adversity, like most of us, yet found a way through. In this episode, Tofe offers tools to help you prepare yourself mentally to weather every impending storm. Tofe is an inspiring guy out to help others. Guest Bio To some, he’s known as that kid who ran a race down the slopes of Mt Everest... but most of the time he gets called ‘crazy’ more times than his name. All for the right reasons though. Tofe is a thought leader on resilience not on hacking the body to get you the set of abs you’ve always wanted. He's here so you have the mental artillery to hold yourself together. This is why having a six-pack mind is imperative.