You Call That Radio?

'Be Careful or You Will End Up in My Novel' w/ Lucy Tertia George



Today, we speak to a talking rabbit at Edinburgh Fringe and discuss how Facebook adverts somehow manage to get inside your head. Also, Frank Foodie phones Cadburys and Golden Wonder AND We find out the benefits of Digital Art for Artists by Becci Wallace. However, The main event is all about our extended interview with the fabulous London author Lucy Tertia George who has recently released a novel called 'Three Women' which is available here: She also performs as a singer/ songwriter called Lucy Lyrical and this was in actual fact recorded during my first ever day of interviews for YCTR at The Ice Box earlier in the year. Was a pleasure to have her on the show. Go buy her book. This show was mastered by the legend that is Morphamish. Please remember to subscribe to YCT Radio and rate/ review us if you can. Please tell one friend about us or Share it to your social medias. All that stuff really helps us get new listeners. But the