American Historical Association

The Fire at the National Museum in Rio de Janeiro



One of the late-breaking sessions at this year’s AHA Annual Meeting dealt with the devasting fire that engulfed Brazil’s Museu Nacional in September 2018. The session was titled “Archives Burning: The Fire at the National Museum in Rio de Janeiro and Beyond.” We spoke with three of the participants just after the panel concluded: Natalia Sobrevilla Perea, Seth Garfield, and Mariza de Carvalho Soares. Natalia Sobrevilla Perea is Professor of Latin American History at University of Kent. She is the author of the book The Caudillo of the Andes: Andrés de Santa Cruz, which was published in English by Cambridge University Press in 2011 and in Spanish by the Instituto de Estudios Peruanos in 2015. Seth Garfield is Professor of History at the University of Texas at Austin. He is the author of the 2001 book Indigenous Struggle at the Heart of Brazil: State Policy, Frontier Expansion, and the Xavante Indians, 1937–1988, and the 2013 In Search of the Amazon: Brazil, the United States, and the Nature of a Region, both