
"Cosmic Joke" by Alicia Walter



The second sneak preview from the ESOPUS 25 "JOKES" CD -- included in ESOPUS 25, which is just hitting bookstores -- is a fantastic art-pop track by Alicia Walter, who chose this humorous poem by philosopher Alan Watts as its inspiration: There once was a man who said, “Though it seems that I know that I know, What I’d like to see, Is the I that knows me, When I know that I know that I know.” Walter describes her process on our website: “How could I pick just one joke, when everything tickles me? The 'cosmic joke' seemed to fit me best: life itself is funny -- it’s hilarious! Sometimes we think we 'get' what’s going on, but of course we don’t. We’re always looking, looking, looking for answers everywhere outside ourselves. And we may feel we come closest to figuring it all out when we just stop trying to figure it all out. But of course, we still haven’t figured out a thing! What could be funnier than that?” Get more info about the CD and issue at