Marriage Radio: Helping Your Marriage

When Marriage Counseling Doesn't Work - The Dr. Joe Show



Good marriage counselors are worth their weight in gold.The others...let's just say they aren't. (If you've had a bad experience with a marriage counselor, you likely already inserted your own negative sentence.)We hear from thousands of people every year about their marriages. From those who convinced their spouses to go to marriage counseling, we very often hear how the experience hurt their marriage rather than helped.Is that the fault of the couple or at least one of the spouses? Obviously, it could be. But could it be the fault of the counselor? Yes.We hear people say their counselor told them they should divorce because their problems aren't solvable. Others say that the counselor told them that s/he will help them figure out how to divorce amicably but there is no need to try to save the marriage because one of them doesn't want that. One woman told us that her counselor very early in their sessions told the husband he should divorce her. When the woman confronted the counselor