Marriage Radio: Helping Your Marriage

What If My Spouse Has Had Multiple Affairs? - The Dr. Joe Show



What does it mean - and what do you do - if your spouse has had more than one affair? Does that indicate there is no hope? That you should end it and get away as fast as you can? Or is it possible to save your marriage...and save your spouse from any further infidelity?What do the affairs say about your spouse? Is s/he a sex addict? Serial adulterer? Maybe. But perhaps there is something else going on that can be addressed and, if you spouse has a conscience, it can be fixed.In this program Dr. Joe Beam discusses what he has learned by working with straying spouses over the years. The ones who strayed once and never again. The ones who strayed more than once. The ones who strayed many times.Rather than taking questions as he normally does, Dr. Beam encourages anyone who is in an affair or has had an affair - especially those who have had more than one affair - to call him during the program. If you call, you will be treated with respect and dignity. Dr. Beam would like to hear your story. He would also apprec