Double Page Spread

Double Page Spread ep 230- Scott Koblish



Scott Koblish has accomplished much in his long time as the artist on "Deadpool", including breaking a Guinness World Record, and drawing 300 Deadpools on the cover of "Deadpool" 300. He and Wendi discuss comedians writing comics, the emotional trajectory of Deadpool, his relationship with Cable over the years, the importance of Marie Severin, the ladies of the Marvel bullpen and "Make Mine Milkshake", "X-Men 92" and comics taken from cartoons taken from comics, the New 52 "OMAC", exorcising his anxiety through the "Many Deaths of Scott Koblish" and so much more! This podcast is part of the Taylor Network which is a home to many great podcasts all available on the Taylornetwork feed on iTunes, Stitcher radio and Google Play. Brought to you by where you can smell all their festive and spooky Halloween fragrances. As well as, where you can find many of the Marvel and DC books as well as support indie creators all at deep discounts.